Thursday, December 10, 2015

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

To the first grade girl who told my son that all she wants for Christmas is "Jack and a pair of shoes," he doesn't know your name and he says (in a voice that sound eerily like Lewis Black, "THAT is NOT going to happen"). Geez, shouldn't she be wishing for a Barbie Dream House or something? 

Things are going well with the two preschool program. Vivi was sad on Sunday when she didn't have school and couldn't wait to go when she woke up this mornjng. She's convinced her new preschool is first grade. Jack keeps trying to tell her that she isn't in first grade, HE is in first grade.

We were talking the other day about how parents have first names. Vivi says that Bernie is "dad" when he has hat on, and "Bernie" without a hat. I think that is her way of recognizing that we all have different roles to play in our lives. It was a cute observation.

Speaking of Bernie, that was a very sweet thing he did hijacking my blog. My birthday was nice and quiet. Bernie made an amazing dinner, the kids picked out some yummy cupcakes and my gifts were very sweet. My favorite gift has to be my new running shoes. Vivi picked out the purple.
I've always been an Asics girl but the last few pairs of shoes I've purchased felt flat from the outset. They change the model a little every year, and now they are far from the shoe I counted on when I started running again a decade ago. One of my friends had also liked Asics, noticed the change in quality, and switched to Brooks. Bernie has used Brooks since he first went to Fleet Feet. I decided I wanted to try them too. I was hesitating though and in the meantime I was running on Asics that had no life left in them. I might as well have been running barefoot. I'm glad Bernie took the leap for me. I love the Brooks so far and think I might officially be a Brooks girl now. This is way more than you ever wanted to know about my running shoes I am sure. We'll tackle the running socks issue in another blog (riveting, I know).
I didn't want have a party for my 40th birthday because my friends are scattered all over the country. Instead of celebrating for one day, the next twelve months are going to be "The Year of Christine." Cheryl made this up first, and then my husband came up with the idea separately (I think). Each month, I am going to either go see someone I love, check an item off my bucket list, or both. No worries, I'll call before I show up on your doorstep :-). I haven't stated planning yet, but I am excited. It will be fun.

I met Jessica at Eastern Connecticut State University, when I was a student there and Nick was just a baby. We have kept in touch over the years, some years better than others. I hadn't seen her since she moved to Philadelphia several years ago. I ran into her (not literally) in a parking garage at the beginning of November and learned that she now works across the street from me. I met her for lunch on my birthday and it was wonderful to catch up. We both learned a lot from a sociology professor that passed away too early, Jean Thorsetenson. She was head of the department. She spoke her mind without a filter, could come across very stern and strict, but had the heart of a marshmallow. She had her JD and encouraged both Jess and I to go to law school, and we both did. For years, Jess and I have talked about going back to ECSU as adjunct professors and teaching a class in Jean's memory on Sociology and the Law, or something along those lines. Hopefully 2016 will be the year we finally put this plan into place. 

The elves have been busy, posing in new positions, coming up with acts of kindness every night, and writing poems about them. It's exhausting really. Whose idea was this anyway? Lol.

Bernie's dad would have been 77 last week. We all miss him terribly, but losing him has been particularly hard on Jack. In his honor, the elves suggested that the kids send Christmas cards to deployed members of the military. 

Jack took this task very seriously. It was a good way to celebrate Pepa's birthday. We might have to add this to our annual traditions.

Another morning, the elves suggested that the kids bring coffee to their teachers.

Jack enjoyed this one too but was a little disappointed that Miss Groves already had coffee. We talked about how he did a great thing and at the end of the day, it is the thought that counts. Vivi's teachers didn't already have coffee and were thankful for the gesture.

Saturday morning, the elves suggested that Jack and Vivi make a donation to Toys for Tots.

They very carefully picked out gifts at Kohls that they would want, hoping those gifts would make another child's Christmas a little brighter.

While we were out, we went hunting for our tree. It was the first time we've ever done it without Nick. He is awesome at picking out just the right tree. I was sad Nick wasn't with us, and it seemed that none of the trees were right. We trapsed through two Christmas Tree Farms before Bernie made an executive decision and chose this one.  

Saturday night we attended Colchester's Holiday Homecoming. In my many, many years of being a Colchester resident, I have never attended, nor have I wanted to attend. It seems silly to me. Our town green will never be Rockefeller Center. Jack and Vivi feel totally different. They love our little town and loved everything about the ceremony. We started in the library where the historical society was hosting an open house. There were free books, art projects, cookies and cider, and Mrs. Clause read stories. Jack and Vivi really enjoyed this part and didn't want to leave.

We made our way over the the green for the tree lighting. Jack gave the toys they picked out earlier in the day to Officer Rob Suchecki, who was hoping to stuff a cruiser for Toys for Tots. Jack was very proud. 

Santa arrived via firetruck. He circled the green with lights flashing and sirens wailing. The kids were giggling with delight when he made his grand entrance.

They also enjoyed counting backwards from 10 for the tree lighting. Jack said it was the best night ever. I'm not sure I would go quite that far or even close, but I am glad they had a good time.

While we were out, Bernie got the tree up and the lights on, so that we could decorate when we got home. It was Vivi's turn to add the star.

Sunday morning, the elves instructed the kids to leave candy canes on random cars in a parking lot. They chose the CVS parking lot, and they left many candy canes on mail trucks. Jack wasn't sure we should go through with this one but felt much better when a mail carrier who was working on a Sunday, thanked Jack personally.

Advent is very busy this year with all of this and reading a new book every night. So far our favorites have been "Pete the Cat's Guide to Life" and "The Giving Tree."

We are  making progress, but there is still a lot to do to get ready for Christmas.
Ho Ho Ho, 15 days to go!

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