Wednesday, November 27, 2013

28 Days of Thankfulness - Day 24 - 5 Years of Awesome

Yesterday was Jack's birthday.  His shirt says it all, I am thankful for five years of awesome!
A night owl from the beginning, Jack was born just after midnight. I told Jack Monday night that when he went to sleep he would be four and that when he woke up on Tuesday, he would be five.   He didn't believe me at first. Then he said he couldn't wait to be five. He told me he was going  to "grow up" overnight and not be my little boy anymore. That proclamation was followed by a sinister laugh.

I left for work yesterday before Jack woke up. Bernie got to be the class parent at preschool, so he got to spend the whole day with Jack.  I was totally jealous.  Bernie made cupcakes decorated with Star Wars cookies for Jack to share with his class: 

Jack got to do all the special jobs at school.  He did the calendar, the weather, and picked out a book for his teacher to read.

After school, he got to celebrate with Bernie's mom.  We then let Jack pick where he wanted to go for dinner. He picked Chuck E. Cheese (of course). I was hoping it wouldn't be too crowded on a Tuesday night, but there was at least one school group there, so we didn't exactly have the place to ourselves.

Vivi didn't like Chuck E. Cheese at first, but she eventually warmed up to the rides and the music.

Look at the focus!

After Chuck E. Cheese, we came home and he got to open most of his presents.  I don't have any pictures of that because I was trying to stop the dog from opening them first.  Overall, I think Jack had a pretty great day.  The celebration isn't quite over yet.  He still has his party to look forward to on Friday.
The last five years have flown by.  I'm thankful for every minute, for his laughter, for his questions, for his hugs, for his exuberance, and for Jack just being Jack. 
I love you monkey, and you will always be my little boy, even when you do grow up.

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